The Stryker Village Council voted to award a bid for a waterline replacement project. Pictured, from left, are council members Rachel Garcia, Sean Ingram and Derrick Potter.
STRYKER— After several years in the working, Stryker is finally replacing the waterline on Johnson Street.
Stryker Village Council awarded the bid for the project to Sherman Excavating from Perrysburg, which bid $98,250 for the work. The only other bid was from S&S Directional Boring for $118,576.
Village Administrator Alan Riegsecker said after the meeting the work will completely replace the waterline on Johnson Street.
“It’s a four-inch steel main, an old four-inch steel main,” he said. “We were recommended by the Ohio EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) to upgrade it to a six-inch plastic (main). It’s approximately 650 feet.” That will run the entirety of Johnson Street.
During the meeting, Councilman Sean Ingram questioned why Sherman Excavating’s bid was so much lower than the other.
Village Fiscal Officer Beth Rediger said she didn’t know.
“The estimate was $119,000,” she said. “They might be doing more open cut, S&S would have been all boring. But they are going to use S&S for what they do need to bore.”
Riegsecker said he is confident in the contractor’s ability to do the job, saying they have done waterline work for the village before.
Rediger said their last project involved working on the waterlines running beneath the railroad tracks.
“We were very pleased with his work,” Riegsecker said. “There’s always underground things you can run into.”
Ingram said he simply didn’t want to take the lower bid only to have issues later.
Construction will take roughly three-to-four weeks, Riegsecker said.
No end date has been set but it should be completed in the fall.
“We will notify residents on the street when it’s about to begin and they will have access to their house, they won’t be shut off,” he said.
In other business:
• A judiciary committee meeting was set for July 17 at 5 p.m., prior to the council meeting.
• Mayor Joey Beck said the Stryker Homecoming festival is coming along well with several food options and entertainment approved. The festival will be on Aug. 5.
• Beck said the Williams County Port Authority is in the process of purchasing some property for residential development.
• Councilman Nick Wlasiuk said he has seen animal feces along the sidewalk as he’s walking and asked people to pick up after their animals.
• Rediger said she made contact with a state official to perform an audit. The audit is estimated to cost $3,034.